General Assessment
The 2025 Property Assessment roll will be delivered in June 2024.
What is a general assessment (reassessment)?
A general assessment means that new values are established for all properties in the city. Provincial legislation requires the City of Winnipeg to do this every two years using market values as of a specified reference date.
What is a property assessment?
An assessment is the City’s estimate of the value of your property as of a specific date. The City does assessments so it can decide what percentage of its total property tax bill you must pay for your property. Generally, the idea, in its simplest form, is that if you own 1/1,000 of the City’s taxable property, you pay 1/1,000 of its property taxes.
Why does the City assess properties?
The Province’s Municipal Assessment Act requires the City to assess all property in Winnipeg so it can fairly and equitably divide the property tax it must raise. The Assessment and Taxation Department’s objective is to ensure equity by valuing all similar properties in the same way so each property owner pays a fair share of the property tax.
What is the City’s assessment base?
The Assessment and Taxation Department adds the total assessed value of all the properties in Winnipeg to get its assessment base. The City’s taxable assessment base is less because provincial assessment law exempts some properties from paying school and municipal taxes. These exempt properties include most schools and hospitals, educational institutions, places of worship, charities, non-profit daycares, and municipal or religion-owned cemeteries.
Assessing your property
How does the City assess your property?
Several factors go into assessing your property:
- It is assessed at its market value, or the price your property could normally sell for on the real estate market as of the reference date. The reference date is April 1 of the year two years before the general assessment year.
- The City assesses the value of both your land and buildings to get a total property assessment. It estimates your property value studying sales of similar properties and comparing lot size, local improvements, and location, as well as building age, size, quality of construction, and condition. Even if you built it yourself, the City judges your building by the same criteria as other buildings so it can equitably assess all similar buildings.
- The City factors depreciation for normal deterioration into your building’s assessment.
What kinds of improvements increase your assessment?
Your assessment will increase if you do extensive renovating, make any structural changes which increase your living space, or build a garage, deck, or swimming pool. It will not increase if you repair a building with similar materials, providing it is not part of a major modernization.
Does a valuation staff member have to visit your property to do an assessment?
No. The City only employs so many valuation staff members for Winnipeg’s 200,000 properties and these staff members visit approximately 10,000 residences a year. Usually, a building is inspected when it is built, renovated, sold, or periodically thereafter. Assessments between these times are based on a property’s physical characteristics, which are on file, real estate sales records, and renovations or improvements for which building permits were issued.
General Assessment FAQ
What is the Reference Date?
The Provincially mandated reference date for the 2025 General Assessment is April 1, 2023. In other words, the 2025 market value represents the expected selling price of that property on April 1, 2023.
When will I be taxed based on this value?
The 2025 General Assessment roll will not be used for taxation purposes until 2025.
What will my taxes be based on this new assessment?
The 2025 tax rates are unknown until early 2025. This is when City Council, the school divisions, and the Province of Manitoba set their various budgets and resulting tax rates are calculated. 2025 tax bills mailed out in May 2025 will indicate tax amounts based on these rates.
It is important to remember that an increase in the market value of a specific property does not necessarily result in a proportionate increase in the level of property taxes.
Where can property owners obtain additional information?
- Review general assessment FAQs on this page
- Check your property using My Properties
- Review assessment notice
- Review 2025 general assessment brochure
- Find mass appraisal models for income-producing properties, residential and condominium properties, and hotels
If you still have questions after reviewing these links, please contact 311.
I never received a copy of my property assessment notice; can I get a new one?
To obtain a duplicate copy, contact 311 or call toll free 1-877-311-4987 (4WPG) to complete a service request.
*Please note that a copy of the current year assessment notice will be provided free of charge until one year past the original mailing date. For copies of previous years assessment notices there will be a fee for this service, please refer to the Fee and Services Schedule.